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This Thursday: Use Your Vote!

Please use your vote this Thursday. 

Apologies for the late posting. I was at the UK Games Expo this weekend and I've taken today to 'recover'.

Right! If anyone out there in virtual space is actually reading this I was going to post an article on a completely different topic, but I've decided that the upcoming General Election is just too darned important not to spout my piece. So, here goes.

The General Election is happening this Thursday, despite some doubt after the horrifying events in London on Saturday.

I have one request: Use your vote and have your say. Do this on Thursday, if you do nothing else.

I'm not worried about your views, it's just that if you don't vote, you can't have a say and you can't whinge about the result if you don't like it. I guess what I'm trying to say is: Use your vote.

As the febrile campaigns have gone on (and on, and on) it's become clear that the result is likely to be far closer than was first thought and indicated. There is a genuine doubt regarding the result. (Actually, I'm not so sure, as the "Shy Tory Effect" doesn't, by definition, show up in the opinion polls).

That said, the result is likely to be one heck of a lot tighter than everyone thought when the election was called. This is likely to mean that small swings in one direction are more likely to determine who moves (back?) into 10 Downing Street on Friday.

Exercising your right to have your opinion counted is likely to have more effect in this election than in the previous couple of General Elections. Thus I'd strongly urge you to use it. Vote for the party and policies that best suit you depending upon your views and preferences. Just do it!

If you need another reason: Do it to stick one in the eye of those that think the appalling events in London are the way to get what they want. Show them that our faith in the democratic process is stronger than their twisted ideology.

To those that are suffering because of this appalling and immoral behaviour, please accept my sympathy and condolences. No one should have to suffer going about their normal daily lives.


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