Although I'm very interested and engaged in the current domestic political process here in the UK, I'm conscious that a lot of my posts are covering political events and attitudes and I worry about becoming one of the myriad 'political commentators'. I have no intention of wanting to, or becoming one. The world has far too many already; most of them burning oxygen for no good benefit!
To keep it light and to vary the post content, I'm going to sound off, this week, about an everyday observation that some of you might find amusing, but I guess, most of you won't.
The Evils of Smoking Tobacco
The UK has recently introduced new legislation to further regulate the sale of tobacco. That's a whole (or series) of posts in and of itself, but I'm staying away from politics this week. My observation is of a more personal nature.
Since the new legislation has taken effect, the standard amounts that can be legally retailed in the UK has changed. It's now the law that the minimum amount of loose tobacco that can be sold for hand-rolling is now 30g (just over 1 imperial oz.). Yeah, I know; smoking is bad, but when you've been unable to eat for three months, it helps relieve the boredom!
Buying my usual blend since the mandatory changes, I've noticed that the flavour that I'm used to has changed markedly. The flavour has noticeably improved. The bouquet is far more sweet, light, and floral than I remember. It's subtle; it's nuanced. This, to my taste, is better and it's definitely noticeable and wasn't just a "one-off" experience; it's every time!
I got to thinking why this might be? At first, I thought it's because the producer had somehow changed the blend. I don't think it's that, as they wouldn't have missed the promotional chance to crow about the 'great new flavour' but there's been nothing but silence.
What's Happened Here?
No, what I think is that the tobacco is supposed to have that bouquet and flavour. When it's fresh. That's the key, I think. The tobacco has to have been repackaged by law and it's now illegal to sell it in the old quantity of 25g. This means that all of the old tobacco has to have already been sold, or disposed of. The result is that all of the pouches on the shop shelves has to be sold in the new minimum amount... and it's all fresh. This is what the tobacco really should taste like!
It just goes to illustrate just how long some of the "popular" brands of tobacco hang around on the shelves of retailers getting stale, only for mugs such as me to come along and buy it! It's 'gone off'!
Wow! This has really opened my eyes as to just how long some tobacco hangs around and the noticeable difference between fresh and stale. Mind blowing.
A Bleak Future?
You shouldn't smoke. Really, don't. However, if you must, I wonder how long it'll be before the 'new, fresh' situation will last before it sinks back into the usual situation of stale tobacco hanging around waiting for some poor punter to buy it?
I hope that this doesn't happen and we still get fresh tobacco for our (stupidly obscene) amounts of money. I think that it will revert, alas.
My message to the retailers is: Don't overstock your tobacco! It's way better for you to operate a Just-in-Time system here. It's a much more interesting and enjoyable experience for the poor punter.
Thanks for reading and normal service will be resumed.
Mandatory Health Warning to the 'Young-un's':
The best way to give up smoking is... NEVER START!
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